beautiful discus! where do you get your blackworms? I heard they are better than bloodworms. my discus just dont dig beefheart right now.
I currently have 4 medium discus in a planted tank with substrate. 46 gallon right now, but im preparing to move them to my 75 whenever I break it down. Also have a dozen neon tetras, approx 8 or so male endler guppies, two panda corys, two botias and a pleco.
I did alot of research before even thinking of discus, because I always heard they were difficult to keep. I've heard various things about water changes, enviroments, etc. In all honestly I'm finding these parameters can vary widely depending on if they are wild discus or from a breeder. I've only had one death, which has been attributed to a sick fish from the beginning (LFS owned up to it and credited me with another fish)
I do a water change 3~4 times a week with aged ro/di water that I make here at home, about 20%. I have two marineland powerfilters and one heater (thinking of adding a second one). I keep the temp at 84F.
I dont know everything about discus, but I've wanted to keep them for almost 10 years and never had the guts. I love sitting and watching my PB rule the tank