Discus tank underway!!! :)

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Guinness said:
Ha ha ha I know I just have to keep going and hope they work it out. I'm sure they will. Ha ha I hope.

I really thought they had worked it out until tonight lol. They are so unpredictable these bloody fish. I can see why they say it's hard to breed discus.

Yeah I guess so haha
Well my tank is all broken down :/ the person that wanted to buy it backed down unfortunately.. sold all fish, live plants, sand, filter, now I just have a light, heater and empty tank lol
DanS180 said:
Well my tank is all broken down :/ the person that wanted to buy it backed down unfortunately.. sold all fish, live plants, sand, filter, now I just have a light, heater and empty tank lol

Ah a sad time for you I can imagine. I hate it when people let you down. I bet you would rather it all go at once to save having to look at it empty. Roll on when you get your house so you can start again hey.

My discus have spawned again so will see how it goes.

I brought another Reed fish on Saturday he was fine in the shop looked real good, unfortunately he hasn't settled in very well and has got white spot now. I don't have the room to quarantine him. I won't use treatment so I have put the temp up to 30c and just done a 200ltr water change. Will do a 10ltr change every day and keep an eye on him. All other fish are fine and not showing any signs of infection.
Guinness said:
Ah a sad time for you I can imagine. I hate it when people let you down. I bet you would rather it all go at once to save having to look at it empty. Roll on when you get your house so you can start again hey.

My discus have spawned again so will see how it goes.

I brought another Reed fish on Saturday he was fine in the shop looked real good, unfortunately he hasn't settled in very well and has got white spot now. I don't have the room to quarantine him. I won't use treatment so I have put the temp up to 30c and just done a 200ltr water change. Will do a 10ltr change every day and keep an eye on him. All other fish are fine and not showing any signs of infection.

100ltr a day not 10ltr lol
Haha gotcha, well good luck with that!! Hopefully i can find someone to buy the tank, I hate looking at a giant empty tank lol
Well discus spawned, looked after them well. They got to the free swimming stage again before the parents ate them AGAIN! Omg I when will they get it right.
Guinness said:
Well discus spawned, looked after them well. They got to the free swimming stage again before the parents ate them AGAIN! Omg I when will they get it right.

Lmao at this rate, another couple rounds haha I'm sorry they keep eating them :/ that must be so frustrated, atleast you're getting further and further with it every time
DanS180 said:
Lmao at this rate, another couple rounds haha I'm sorry they keep eating them :/ that must be so frustrated, atleast you're getting further and further with it every time

Lol yea it's really frustrating but I'm getting used to it now. I will keep going till they get it right. Don't think I will be opening a discus breeding farm just yet tho lmao.
Ah I forgot to say. I have a new job! Woo hoo. I now work for a tropical fish farm. Supplying the retailers around our area with cold, tropical and marine fish, dry goods JBL, and plants. I help out in the morning catching and bagging the fish packing them before I go out delivering them in the afternoon. It's ace for the first time in years I enjoy going to work. Oh and I get all my fishy needs at cost price, that's cheaper than the retailers get it for I'm laughing. Can't believe my luck. It's part time at the moment for about 3 months after that I will be taken on full time.
Guinness said:
Ah I forgot to say. I have a new job! Woo hoo. I now work for a tropical fish farm. Supplying the retailers around our area with cold, tropical and marine fish, dry goods JBL, and plants. I help out in the morning catching and bagging the fish packing them before I go out delivering them in the afternoon. It's ace for the first time in years I enjoy going to work. Oh and I get all my fishy needs at cost price, that's cheaper than the retailers get it for I'm laughing. Can't believe my luck. It's part time at the moment for about 3 months after that I will be taken on full time.

Omg I wish I could find a job like that!! That would be so awesome.. I'm seriously jealous lol
DanS180 said:
Omg I wish I could find a job like that!! That would be so awesome.. I'm seriously jealous lol

Lol I know it's so cool, not only do I get to work there and see all the fish, I get to buy anything I need at cost price, and I also get to drive around the country looking round all the fish shops lol. It doesn't even feel like a job! ;-)
Guinness said:
Lol I know it's so cool, not only do I get to work there and see all the fish, I get to buy anything I need at cost price, and I also get to drive around the country looking round all the fish shops lol. It doesn't even feel like a job! ;-)

I bet! Lol well good for you, hope it works out for you in the long run! Try not to blow all your money!! Lol
DanS180 said:
I bet! Lol well good for you, hope it works out for you in the long run! Try not to blow all your money!! Lol

Thanks, i hope it works out too. Hahaha that's the trouble I spend it before I have even been paid.
DanS180 said:
Been there done that! Lol

So the discus spawned again this morning. There best batch ever! So far they have spawned 5 times this is the 6th. At best they have only produced around 50 eggs but today there are well over 150. Fingers crossed they get it right this time. ;-)
Guinness said:
So the discus spawned again this morning. There best batch ever! So far they have spawned 5 times this is the 6th. At best they have only produced around 50 eggs but today there are well over 150. Fingers crossed they get it right this time. ;-)

Yayy!!! There's no way they could eat all of them!! :)
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