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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 14, 2012
cambourne, cambs
Im looking to start breeding discuss... im worried about them not selling for they're of a high value.

Are discuss wanted enough to warrant making a few (GB Pound)?

Also i wounderd if they able to mix with chiclids (obviously not for breeding) but for sale purposes?

Any opiniouns appreciated.
Im looking to start breeding discuss... im worried about them not selling for they're of a high value.

Are discuss wanted enough to warrant making a few (GB Pound)?

Also i wounderd if they able to mix with chiclids (obviously not for breeding) but for sale purposes?

Any opiniouns appreciated.

If you've never bred fish before, you've picked a rather advanced fish to start with. :confused:
The best way to know if you have a market for them is to see if your potential buyers will buy them. If you are not equipped for shipping the fish, your local fish stores are your target customers. Unless they already have reliable sources for homegrown discus, I doubt that they wouldn't want them BUT you have to confirm this with them.
As for mixing with other cichlids for sale purposes, you shouldn't need to worry about that. Discus in their own right are good sellers when not overpriced. The need for other fish to entice a store to buy from you probably means you should be looking for another buyer.

Hope this helps...(y)
Discus should not be mixed with any other cichlids at all. If you want to breed discus, do your research. They are a finicky fish and require a lot of care compared to other fish.
I have bread a few fish before (yellow labs, bn plecs etc) im more than willing to do the research and look into it properly.

I just had a suspicion that they might be a unique buy and only discuss owners would buy them... just out of curiosity wanted to know if they can go with chiclids. I have known people to say theyve done it.

What makes them so hard to breed?
I have bread a few fish before (yellow labs, bn plecs etc) im more than willing to do the research and look into it properly.

I just had a suspicion that they might be a unique buy and only discuss owners would buy them... just out of curiosity wanted to know if they can go with chiclids. I have known people to say theyve done it.

What makes them so hard to breed?

It's not so much the breeding as it is the raising of the fry. Breeding requires the right water parameters (which is true for all fish breeding) but the fry have special needs starting with the mucus of the parents that they feed off of. That's the research you need to do first and see if it's something you can do or want to do. Talk to other discus breeders about how they raise their fry (if they will tell you ;))

Best of luck (y)
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