DIY driftwood

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 10, 2009
Still looking for my actualy drift wood but just wanted to do some fact checking to make sure i don't put a chunk of poison in my tank.

Find a hard piece of wood, avoid soft woods like the plauge.
Find an older piece with bark falling off, maybe even some rolly-polly bugs eating it so you know there isn't any toxins or pesticides ect.
Make sure to remove all bark, dirt, bugs, ect.
Boil if possible
Soak in warm water with regular changes for at least a week or until the water isn't discolored (remove soon to get a bio-tope look?)
Use salt to pull out extra toxins at a ratio of one tbp. to gallon
Rinse and enjoy?

Also, any suggestion for plants that root well into driftwood? This is really what i'm after is being able to grow a low moss or grass on my driftwood.

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