Diy filter

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 19, 2011
I was just curious why no one uses one of those house filters attached to a pump for supplemental filtration. Unless I just missed it somewhere. I thought it'd work pretty slick. Any thoughts? Thanks.
No, I haven't built it yet. I was thinking about it unless someone had a reason why it wouldn't be very good.
I would think there is nowhere for the beneficial bacteria to grow. Also, I don't know how long it would take for it to get clogged up from fish "gunk". Just my thoughts, could be wrong. Interested to see other's opinions.

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Yeah, we're talking about a filter designed to improve tap water taste... not a filter designed to literally filter out large particulate matter like you have in a tank. It might work for a very short time, but would be a PITA to use IMO
I was thinking of blocking off the outlet and putting it out of the bottom of the housing so I could just fill it up with whatever.
I didn't know if just using the regular cartridges in one of these would work well to help with mechanical filtration. The 210 gallon aquarium I was considering putting it on already has a fluval fx5 and rena xp4. I was thinking as simple as it was to change the cartridges in these it might be nice.
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