DIY Gravel

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 2, 2004
North Central Iowa
Hi- I have a method of making DIY aquarium gravel that I though you all might be able to use-- its really quite simple!

(1) or more Big Rock(s)

(1) Big Hammer.


1. Strike big rock with big hammer until it breaks apart into smaller rocks.

2. Analyzed the size of the new rocks. If the rocks are bigger than the desired size, strike them again. If they are smaller than you wanted, get a new big rock.

The completed small rocks become your aquarium gravel-- that's all there is to it!
Hope you find this helpful!
LOL... that was my first thought until I realized he was kidding. 8O

We have a great sense of humor here, and a great community. We just try and keep things.... organized. This way new-comers know where to expect serious advice and where to expect other things a bit more off the wall. We really have nothing against a little humor, we just don't want the "serious" boards flooded with it, thats why one of us.. (sorry, gotta do me job :wink: ) eventualy pops in and says, please keep these topics in the Lounge.

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