Do I have enough light?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 18, 2013
I have a 40 gallon breeder with two 6700k CF Sunpaq bulbs at 65 watts each. The lights are 14.5 inches from the substrate. Without access to a PAR, I'm not sure if I am getting enough light for my foreground (dwarf baby tears and micro swords). I am planning to go co2 because my foreground I believe needs that over Excel. What I'm trying to figure out is if I have enough light to actually utilize pressurized co2?
While trying to address my issue I came across this Aquarium Lights, Lighting; which to choose? – Fish Beginner; Information & Help it gives a breakdown of all the different types of light used for planted and live rock aquariums. At the very end of the page, it provides a WPG rule for EACH type of light. Thought it might be helpful. I understand there are other factors but in general is this a good breakdown?

Edit: Probably the best link I have found so far
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