Do I want to clean the gravel?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 13, 2003
I have a tank with gravel that collects stuff. Do I want to siphon clean it when I do a water change or will that remove beneficial stuff for any chemical cycles?
Assuming this is a saltwater tank, are you using gravel or crushed coral. Either way its safe to vacuum the debris off the surface, I wouldn't dig the vacuum down into the substrate too much. Get some hermit crabs and snails and they will help to control detritus on the bottom. On another note, if this is a salt tank and you're using regular decorative gravel then you should consider replacing it with CC or even better LS.
finally someone answered my question (even though i really didn't ask it in this post) about using sand or crushed coral. thanks!
What was your question about using sand or CC? Since I had the answer, I'd like to know the question :mrgreen:
i do have decorative gravel right now and I always wanted to know if I should switch to sand and no one would give me a straight forward answer. But you did! even though I never asked that particular question. And I think I will be replacing the gravel for sand this is summer.
I second the LS or CC idea. Your substrate is a vital part of your biological filtration system. There is much.. much.. more surface area on LS or CC, than there is on gravel, for the bacteria to thrive. Also, some of the critters actually ingest the sand and take what they can use, then pass the rest, walla clean sand. The gravel granules are much too big for them to do this to. JMTC.
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