Do you guys name your fish?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 18, 2011
Hey, I was just curious... Am I the only one that names all my fish? Even in my community tank I name mine. If you do post what they are and what type they are, and if not, just say why. My tank has:
Tigger, a black skirt tetra
Thing one and thing two (also black skirts)
Sparky, a guppy.
That's it... For now ;)
Well, my Betta is Allie. My bristlenose is gonna be Ninja. I will name the others, I just have to come up with names.

In loving memory of Pansa Princess, the greatest horse who ever lived. May you rest in peace.
I name 'em all. It's either because of my need to control everything in my life, or because I don't have many friends who aren't animals.

Either way, it's been great fun coming up with names for them all.
Tim Wheatley said:
Only the Oscar, whose name is Oscar.

Very original!!! But I do like that the Oscar is named Oscar.

In loving memory of Pansa Princess, the greatest horse who ever lived. May you rest in peace.
Lol Tim. I love it! I name all of mine, just because they all have different personalities, and I can always tell them apart. Kinda like when you have identical twins. They look exactly alike, but when you look at them everyday, you realize little differences that help to tell them apart.
Never really named my fish. I did name one of my Columbian sharks Shark-Diesel...cause he is built like Shaq-Diesel :)
I had a pair of parrot cichilids I named Fred and Ginger, my clown loach is king boo boo(courtesy of my kids) and my big silver dollar is Mario (the kids as well :) that's all we've named so far...
My gf does the honors of naming all my fish except I named ky peppermint shrip Jeff just bc he's a pain and likes to mess with my corals so I need something to call him when I angry at him lol

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I have a red zebra named lucifer because he is an evil demon fish that has killed and eaten every tankmate so far. My husband named his last tank mate ( a cobalt blue), Fluffy. He said with the name Fluffy the fish had to learn to fight to keep from being picked on. ;-)
I don't name fish. I call them by their common or scientific name, depending on the fish (and whether I can pronounce their scientific name or now ;)). Naming fish, IMO, is bad luck. Call me superstitious.
i don't name my fish..... Because i don't have any yet :( but when i eventually get my tank ready and filled with fish i will most probably name them with retro gaming names eg. Mario Sonic Pacman etc. :)
I don't name my fish either...however I do have a huge RCS that I call Big Momma. lol She's very colorful and the largest shrimp I have, so very easy to tell her a part from everyone else.
My male percula is named Baldwin, for those that have seen Team America he thinks he is the greatest actor in the world. He does many strange tricks, so the name kind of stuck. My wife named our Orange knobby creamsicle. Lol
When we had angelfish, I had nicknames for most of them. For instance, there was "bully", "fin" (for the one with bad fins), and "big boy" (the largest).

But actual names?? Nah that's a lot to keep straight...

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