Do you need a substrate?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 21, 2010
I'm very new to this so please indulge me. I'm trying to create an interesting scenario for my 10 gal tank, and am just brainstorming.

Do fish tanks need a substrate? I'm not even sure that's the right word - I mean the sand or gravel on the bottom.

I know bacterial growth needs to be supported, but perhaps other features in the tank can provide this.

No, an aquarium doesn't need a substrate.

The majority of your bacteria are housed in your filter media.
Just as BigJim said, no you don't NEED it, but I would recommend having some decor in there to allow the good bacteria to attach itself to. I'm interested in your substrateless idea. Pics when your done please :)
Bare bottom tanks are good for many things. Fry/grow out tanks because you can feed excess and not have to worry about removing decor to vacuum all the uneaten food out. Quarantine tanks are another popular choice for bare bottomed tanks (this lets you store the QT until you need it - and allows for quick set up). Also, some people keep sensitive fish such as discus in bare bottomed set ups for water quality purposes (easier to vacuum and do PWCs).
Don't have any specific ideas yet, just seeing what I need to work with.
Thanks for the replies.
no, you don't need to have a substrate. but if you wish to have hiding spots for your fish, sand or gravel is a good idea to keep plants and decorations anchored down. depending on the type of fish you have, they may not need any hiding spots. of course IMO fish would be more comfortable with a little shelter (especially when first introduced to the tank)
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