Does Binox lower ph?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 23, 2009
Just got some new fish in QT. 2 swordtails, and 2 Platys. They came with Ich, treated with salt and heat. Ich is gone. However Im still hesitant to put them in my big tank. I lost one fish within 4 days of getting them. (maybe ich got in gills?) One jumped out.. :huh:, now I have two left. It's been a couple weeks and I've been watching them closely and don't know what to think.

Have noticed some white puffy looking stuff on there fins and on one fish on his side. I immediately started treating with Binox (says it treats bacteria and fungus)

Puffy stuff seems gone now on both fish.

Swordtail looks okay, however his lower fins seemed clamped SOMETIMES. Upper and side fins seem good.
Platy looks okay as well however her tail fin shows signs of fin rot or something. I've been doing daily 50 % changes. Still treating with binox just in case.

I just tested the ph to see if it matched my large tank cause I'm thinking they're more stressed in the 1.5 gallon QT and it would be better for them in the large tank. The ph is 6.0! it comes from my tap at 7.6 (maybe a little more)! So I'm thinking this binox lowers it somehow? I doubled checked it cause it seemed hard to believe.

So questions, does anyone know if this is what would cause my ph to be so low? OR maybe I have TOO much aeration that would cause it to drop? I have two small bubble stones in there now.

Secondly, if they still have a fungus, would I possibly infect the other fish if I moved them now.? Again, the white puffy stuff has been gone for a few days. But I'm just wondering if this fin clamping could be due to being stressed.

Thanks again for all your help!!
I don't think aeration would cause the ph to drop that much. Could possibly be the meds read and see if it says it can alter ph. I've seen them say they don't alter ph so it's a possibility the meds are. I wouldnt move any infected fish until all signs of disease are gone for at least two weeks? Just my opinion... I'm pretty much a
Newbie though.

Also where did u get the fish ?
Okay, so I reduced the aeration down to 1 bubble stone just in case. I called the number on the bottle of the Binox to see if that could cause the ph to drop. The girl said it's been discontinued however it "shouldn't" cause the drop. Sooo.... I don't know what to think. She must be wrong? How could it be so low?

BTW- I'm down to one Platy as my last swordtail jumped out. :(

Flossie- They came from a LFS.
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