Dosing flourish excel..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 8, 2009
Richmond, Va
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been on.. Decided to get a reefkeeper to help keep my tank a little more stable temperature wise. Also purchased a lifter pump to dose some flourish excel. This leads me to my question.

- Does flourish excel go bad is left open to air? (Need it to breathe to be able to pump it)

- Can I dilute flourish excel with water with no ill effects? (In case I need to for dosing/timing issues)

Thanks folks!
That's one thing I didn't think about.. Will keep it in it's bottle then.. Anyone know about the other questions?
Yes, its perfectly fine to dilute excel using distilled water.

In fact, to save money I buy metricide 14 day sterilizing solution and mix it 50/50 with water to make a glut solution that's approximately as strong as excel is and way cheaper.
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