Dosing order

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 10, 2005
New York
I received my order from Gregwatson>com today. I got CSM+B Plantex, Iron Chelate, Mono Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Nitrate and Potassium Sulfate. I have read the fertilization sticky a few times. My question is is there a specific order that the compounds should be dosed. Wil the addition of one cause a rise or fall in another?

Nope, no particular order is needed.
However, don't mix the Phosphate with the Iron. If directly mixed together, they'll form an insoluble precipitate, basically making both ferts ineffective.

I dose them at the same time, but directly into the tank. YOu'll want a dosing solution for the phosphate, the plantex and the Iron. you could mix the iron with your plantex trace mix too, and then you'd dose it as a complete trace mix.
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