Doug's 250, now 300, in wall build

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In wall with one sump for all, is the way to go. When I set up my 280, Im gonna do the same thing. Following.
mr_X said:
no. i don't think i need to insulate the wall. i didn't have much noise on the other side of the wall with the old 195. you could barely hear a light hum. it was quite peaceful actually.
since this tank is only drilled for two 1" bulkheads, i'm probably just going to use something about 1800-2000gph. i won't need a tremendous amount of turn over. just enough to feed my skimmer and such.

Ok. It was just an idea. I know that when I do my in wall 300 I'm goin to insulate it. Mainly because I notice that in the living room I always have to turn the tv up a little louder then I should. And my next aquarium is goin in my rec room.
Ok. It was just an idea. I know that when I do my in wall 300 I'm goin to insulate it. Mainly because I notice that in the living room I always have to turn the tv up a little louder then I should. And my next aquarium is goin in my rec room.

I hear that (or don't as the case may be). Although I think it has more to do with my age and playing in a rock band in the 70s than the aquarium. :) But, in all seriousness, if you are nearing 40 or 50, you may want to think again about reducing background noise. Sucks getting old. LOL
i guess not beign to active lately i missed out a bit on your build start up

is it actually wood trim or is it plastic?

that wall also looks like it was originally open and at some point was closed up, either way youre right that was some poor structual work and the wiring is disgraceful. you'de never ever catch me doing that kind of crap, no matter what the circumstances
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i guess not beign to active lately i missed out a bit on your build start up

is it actually wood trim or is it plastic?

that wall also looks like it was originally open and at some point was closed up, either way youre right that was some poor structual work and the wiring is disgraceful. you'de never ever catch me doing that kind of crap, no matter what the circumstances
as mercedes would say, it's "tex wood".

yep, it was a cheezy formica bar when i bought the place. i ripped the formica out and covered the hole for the time being.
thanks. here's an old vid of the 195 when it was young....

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL aquarium. I love the choices of coral and fish! I could stare at it for hours. What is the name of the tang swimming by your purple ? :thanks:
redsea said:
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL aquarium. I love the choices of coral and fish! I could stare at it for hours. What is the name of the tang swimming by your purple ? :thanks:

Pretty sure it's a Scopas Tang
as mercedes would say, it's "tex wood".

yep, it was a cheezy formica bar when i bought the place. i ripped the formica out and covered the hole for the time being.

honestly unless thats a load bearing wall it doesn't even need to have a header there, just a top plate and a jack and king stub like you would use when framing out a door. although over building never hurt anyone, atleast accept your wallet
that's a maculiceps tang actually.

leo- it does appear to be load bearing. i'm hopefully going to install a header next week. i don't think i'm going to be able to get to it this weekend.
that's a maculiceps tang actually.

i don't think i'm going to be able to get to it this weekend.

Thats because you are always on this site. hehehehehe But we are sure glad you are. Have you ever wondered how many gorgeouse reef tanks you have had your hands in??? Not talking literal but figurative.

:thanks:'s actually because i have a christening to go to tomorrow that's about an hour and a half east. then i have to turn around, come home, get changed, and head about an hour west to pick up 200 pounds of live rock.
that's gonna take most of the day.

tonight i'm just gonna relax.'s actually because i have a christening to go to tomorrow that's about an hour and a half east. then i have to turn around, come home, get changed, and head about an hour west to pick up 200 pounds of live rock.
that's gonna take most of the day.

tonight i'm just gonna relax.

I guess we will let you. LOL Have a safe trip.
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