Doug's 250, now 300, in wall build

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ahh well then we aren't battling the same type,, do your tangs not pick at it? i would think that some herbivours might want to, my bi colored blenny lost interest in algae lol all he eats now is pellets and mysis lol
They do on occasion. Sally lightfoot crabs do as well, but the way this stuff grows, I would need a school of tangs or a few hundred crabs to put a dent in it.
could it be somethign other then nutrients causing this? i mean you are always on top of your water changes and its not like your filtaration and nutrient export is not good
What does it take to grow plant life? Nutrients, water, and light. What can it be? I am thinking this stuff is diatoms. Maybe I have a soluble silica build up somewhere. Maybe this glass tank is made of weird glass or something (this same rock was in the old 265 and not a speck of algae on it) lol...I don't know. I'm just doing what I'm doing and waiting it out....
What does it take to grow plant life? Nutrients, water, and light. What can it be? I am thinking this stuff is diatoms. Maybe I have a soluble silica build up somewhere. Maybe this glass tank is made of weird glass or something (this same rock was in the old 265 and not a speck of algae on it) lol...I don't know. I'm just doing what I'm doing and waiting it out....
thats what i was thinking i didn't mean there wasnt something in the water i meant something that was not a dissolved organic
I only had about an inch of calcium based sand in the tank. It was not new, but caused no algae in the 265. I would like to add a couple hundred pounds more of it, which I have in a drum, but it needs to be washed thoroughly and it's too freaken cold outside to use the hose, and I'm not doing it inside.
Not to mention I wanted to wait until this algae subsided before adding anything else.
Have you considered vodka dosing. I know you're not a big fan of dosing but if it does help clean things up why not
I have the same stuff in my 20. Thought it was some sort of cyano. I have plenty of nerites and a few cerriths. But I don't do water changes. I only dose. And have no filtration at all but live rock and a power head. And plenty of macro algae.


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It's not dinoflagellates. It's not slimy, even though it appears slimy. As for vodka dosing, I may give it a shot. It's slowly subsiding though. I may just wait it out.
Hey Doug, I noticed you have a colony of pokerstars monti. I had a nice frag of that but had a huge temperature spike in my old tank and lost most of it. And the colors went from the colors you have to an all blue base and orange polyps. It's cool looking, but do you think it'll rebound? I've noticed new growth in its new tank and lights, just no color change. This is what's left.


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It should return to it's normal color. Is it under the same lighting it was before? the same distance from the light?
No. It went from T5's to LEDs and it seems to be loving it. In fact, I moved all my corals from a 50 gallon to a 20 gallon and they seemed to respond very positively. I've gotten much more growth from my sps and lps in the new tank.
Do you see any flaws in my tank design or have any input in how long it should work? So far it's been 4 months with no issues. I just don't see the need for filtration or skimmer. I've doubled the number of heads in my Duncan's and blastos, all montis have attached and are rocking out, this weird stylo type hitchhiker that I have has doubled in size. Should I be expecting a crash? The only thing that's different is my gf caught a goby and a sergeant major damsel. Very small guys. But the tank was absolutely filled with copepods, and I mean glass covered. And since the addition of the two fish I haven't seen any. In fact I haven't seen any flatworms either. And I do not feed at all.
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