Dragon Goby Died

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 6, 2005
Had it for 3months only. :cry: it was so fat before but recently its so skinny. I think he's not getting enough nutrition. Why would it be so skinny? my tank doesnt have enough algae for it to eat?
dragon goby? Are you talking about the violet goby? Gobioides brousonnetti?
Or maybe the dragon wrasse? Novaculichthys taeniourus?

If you are talking about the dragon wrasse, it is a carnivore and will eat pods and other crustasian in the tank as well as snails, small stars and worms, etc. They need their diet supplemented with meaty foods like mysid or small bits of fish.

From my understanding of the dragon goby, it is a brackish water fish. It can live in a full marine enviroment if acclimated correctly. It also needs plenty of supplemental foods to thrive.
Amblygobius albimaculatus, phalaena, semicinctus & sphynx are often refered to as "dragon" gobies due to their similarities. Amblygobius phalaena being the most commonly sold in the trade. It actually has a few common names.

These are a "sifting" species of goby, not algae eaters. They can sometimes (although rarely long term) be supplimented with heavily vitamin fortified foods. Most will accept prepared foods the only problem is they will not typically get the nutritional value they need from it.

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