Drastic PH change with rocks

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 7, 2006
in preperation for getting my big tank ready. i boiled some rocks i had and let them soak in a bucket of water for a day or two. i did a water test today and found that the rocks caused the water's PH to go through the roof. much higher than 8.4.

my big question is what does this mean?

should i not put the rocks in the tank?

would the PH level out during the fishless cycle?

Do not use those rocks. They are probably limestone and they will continue to buffer you water. You can get slate from most garden centers. It looks great and will not effect your water.
You could, depending on what species you want, let it go for a while, since you have no fish, and see how high it gets. It it stops around 8.4 you may still be ok for your fish. I use limestone, but my pH is already that high. Most fish tolerate alkaline water just fine, they aren't as fragile as people think.
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