Drop checker questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 4, 2011
So, last night I ran the new plumbing for my CO2 system and today, around three o'clock, I fired up the system. I started at one BPM just to be on the safe side. By five o'clock there was no change in the drop checker color so I gave it another hour. At about six o'clock my PH controller was saying all was good so I cranked it up to four BPM as I'm going to be home to monitor things. It's now eight thirty and still no change in the drop checker.

Should I just wait it out and see what it says in the morning or should I bump the CO2 up another notch?

37 gallon, Aquatop CF400UV
Are you using your own pH solution with a 4 dkh solution? The solution that comes with them are usually horrible.

What kind of diffusion method?
Two drop checkers actually. One has 4dkh and three drops of PH juice from test kit. The other has the juice that came with the package. Figured since I had two I would test the effectiveness of each solution.

Diffusion is by inline reactor on the output of the canister filter.
I usually take a couple hours for the drop checker to update. I wouldn't bring it up much past 4 bps on a tank that size.
How are you diffusing it? I cranked mine up to 6bps once because my levels weren't raising. Found out my tubing was permeating the co2 and none was entering the tank.
aqua_chem said:
I usually take a couple hours for the drop checker to update. I wouldn't bring it up much past 4 bps on a tank that size.
Ok, will deffinantly keep this in mind. I have my PH controller set to shut down the system at 6.5 and PH was at 7.0 when I fired up the system. PH is now at 6.8 and all fish are acting fine. I need to get a KH test kit so I can set the PH controller properly.

mfdrookie516 said:
How are you diffusing it? I cranked mine up to 6bps once because my levels weren't raising. Found out my tubing was permeating the co2 and none was entering the tank.
Inline reactor on the filter output. I am using a CO2 resistant tubing.
aqua_chem said:
I would also check for leaks along the line.

Will do. I'll mix up some soapy water as soon as this episode of Bleach is over.
No leaks. Still no color change. PH still at 6.8

Double checked PH manually.
Well, PH has gone to 6.7 but still no noticeable change in the drop checkers. All fish are acting normal, no gasping or hanging around the top of the tank. PH controller is still set to shut off at 6.5 so I'm going to leave it be and see what transpires in the morning. Hopefully I will have no casualties. Only thing I can figure is I've got some seriously soft and seriously low CO2 level water (well water that bubbles for 24 hrs before PWC). I'll take a sample to be tested tomorrow and hopefully pick up a KH test kit while I'm there.

Hmmm... Still no noticeable change in the drop checkers. PH is only down to 6.6

Fish acting normal. No casualties last night.

PH has reached 6.5 so it will cut off shortly. I have moved the drop checkers to the other side of the tank. I'm going out now to hunt down a KH test kit and a new coffee maker. Not sure what's going on. If there is no change in the drop checkers when I get home I will pull them out, wash them and refill with fresh solution. How many drops of PH juice should I be using in the 4dkh solution?

BTW, I hear no gurgling in the reactor so I know a CO2 bubble is not building up in there.

Ok, checked KH. No blue at all, goes straight to yellow with one drop. By my calculations I would need the CO2 to bring my PH down to 6.0 to have at least 15ppm CO2. What to do? Crushed coral in my filter?


For grins I just tested my 4dkh solution. It took four drops to turn yellow. By the instructions that means it is a 2dkh solution as it says one drop equals 0.5 of a degree! What do I do here?

Fish are all still fine.
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Shake your KH test and retest it, just to be sure. If it holds, then there are recipes for making the 4 dkh solution.

Also, a 2 dKH would change at a lower CO2 level than 4 dKH, so we're back to square one.

Actually, with the API test kit, doesn't one drop = 1 dKH?
Ok. You are correct. I was reading the section about gaining accuracy by using 10ml instead of 5ml. That would reduce each drop to a half of a degree.

The drop checkers are showing some color change now. They are not a straight up green. More like a deep blue green.

So, to recap my current questions that are scattered through this thread...

How many drops of PH juice do I put in the drop checker with the 4dkh solution?

How can I raise my KH? Crushed coral? Or is the only good way bicarbonate or a KH buffer (like Kent's) added to PWCs.

Should I muck with my KH or leave it alone? I don't really want to run my PH down to 6.0 as that would really slow down nitrification.
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How many drops of PH juice do I put in the drop checker with the 4dkh solution?

How can I raise my KH? Crushed coral? Or is the only good way bicarbonate or a KH buffer (like Kent's) added to PWCs.

Should I muck with my KH or leave it alone? I don't really want to run my PH down to 6.0 as that would really slow down nitrification.

1) 3-5

Regarding your other questions, what's your natural KH?
aqua_chem said:
Regarding your other questions, what's your natural KH?

Zero to one degree (at best).

Tank, tap and the prep well water bubbling in the garage all turn yellow at one drop. Never even a tint of blue.
I don't think running your pH down to 6.0 by injecting CO2 will significantly effect nitrification. Raising your KH will not increase the CO2 being injected, if that is the goal... If you mess with the KH of the tank, using the pH/KH extrapolation chart won't be accurate.
fort384 said:
I don't think running your pH down to 6.0 by injecting CO2 will significantly effect nitrification. Raising your KH will not increase the CO2 being injected, if that is the goal... If you mess with the KH of the tank, using the pH/KH extrapolation chart won't be accurate.
My goal is not to inject more CO2 by raising the PH. Sorry if it seems that way from my previous posts. I'm just trying to figure out how to inject the proper amount of CO2 without sending my PH through the floor.
ah ok, gotcha. I may have just been confused - I read through it rather quickly.
fort384 said:
ah ok, gotcha. I may have just been confused - I read through it rather quickly.

As you are a resident guru ;) ... Do you have any recommendations for me? Should I just leave it alone and allow my PH to drop into the low sixes?
So, I tweaked around with the CO2 setup last night as I could closely monitor the fish after I put the kids to bed. I opened up the needle valve to a healthy flow and kept an eye on the PH meter. I let it drop 0.1 point over about a half an hour then shut the system off for another half an hour. Repeated this once more to bring the PH down to 6.5 and the drop checkers finnally started showing a noticeable green color. Unfortunately this stressed the fish a little as they all started gathering at the top of the tank. Figured it was time to stop mucking with it and give the fish a break at this time so I brought it back down to 4 BPM and left the PH meter set a hair above 6.5 so it would not turn back on unless it was to maintain 6.5. The fish started to calm down and went back to their normal lives. This morning I have a green color in both drop checkers, still a deep blue in there but for sure greening up. I will leave it be for the day to see what happens, and give the fish a break, and maybe tweak it a bit more tonight.

So, should I be doing something about my very low KH value or should I leave it alone?
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