Dropsy epidemic!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2015
About 6 days ago I realised some of my fish look really bloated. I googled it and narrowed it down to dropsy. According to most websites it is because of stress, over crowding or poor water conditions... I have a 25 gal with 5 red eye tetras 2 emperor tetras and 1 dwarf gournami... so I really don't think it is over crowding. My nitrates is nearly 0 my ph is 7.5 and I do a 40% water change weekly, and have live plants. I don't know why they would stress, they are in a quiet place with no traffic and they have lots of hiding places... I've had the red eyes for a while now and one emperor also... I got one more emperor and the dward about 9 days ago... I keep my water temp at 26¤ C. I feed them twice a day flakes and blood worms. I really don't know what is causing this!!! I treat them with 3 teaspoons of salt every day and bacterial medicine I got from the pet store... I would appreciate your help!
Bacterial infections | The Skeptical Aquarist

Good info on bacterial infections.
Dropsy is a more a symptom then issue in itself.
Often the internal organ damage is to far progressed to be cured.
I don't think the link offers med suggestions, but for antibiotics I say
Kanamycin and Nitrofurazone both used at same to me if any treatment beyond salt or PP is chosen.

Not many fish recover from dropsy and please read link so you will know in the future if you have trouble from an unresolved issue why!
while coral is right, i don't think you can techinally have a "epidemic" of dropsy.
Your fish are likely bloated from worms/nematodes
Don't feed, use epsom salt in your tank, and get some levimiasole or fenbendazole de-wormer. Do not let it spread, its very hard to get rid of and very contagious.
I find it hard to believe that there is some "epidemic" of internal bacteria in your tank, if that were the case, your fish would be dead already. Most bacteria attacks the outerpart of the fish. Check for paintbrush red worms from the fishes vent, and don't feed until you deworm them. Then make sure you do it right.
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