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black hills tj

Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 8, 2007
black hills, south dakota
Hey Everyone,

lately one of my 2 cherry barbs has been "dancing" around the bottom of the tank I guess but he didn't look ill. Well I just got home from a 3 day trip out of town and it looks like it has a horrid case of dropsy. Huge stomach, scales sticking out. Honestly....it looks like a red pinecone. It can't swim so I have it sitting in a net right now. I do have an empty 10g tank I can use to QT it I guess. What's your guys' opinions?


Sorry to hear about your barb.

First, realize that dropsy is not a disease itself; it is a symptom analogous to a high fever. The underlying cause is usually an internal bacterial infection. The prognosis is not good because you don't know which antibiotic to use and it's difficult to dose internally. Personally, I've never succeeded in saving any of my fish with dropsy (2 bettas and one tetra), but I would always try if I encountered it again.

First, isolate the fish. If it dies, you don't want your healthy fish snacking on its bacterially contaminated remains.
The barb's kidneys are shutting down - allowing fluids to accumulate internally. You can help alleviate this osmotic stress by adding 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) per 4 gallons.

I would try to hit the infection hard with whatever broad-spectrum antibiotic you have - like tetracycline or chloramphenicol. Keep the water clean and well oxygenated. Lower the water temp a few degrees - this will slow down the bacterial growth.

That's really the best you can do. If the fish stops swimming or can't keep itself oriented, you should consider euthanizing it. Sorry, but good luck. :cry:
Sorry for your loss. Dropsy is very hard to treat IME. Like QTOFFER said it is a symptom usually of something else. I too have never had much success curing any fish with dropsy.
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