Dry ferts

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 15, 2013
Hey guys, I'm starting this thread cause I keep coming across the term "dry ferts" when reading other threads and I was wondering if anyone could give me information about them, and if they are necessary, beneficial and what are the ups and downs of it, and also how to set it up lol. I'm not planning on doing it but I'm curious. Thanks !
Dry ferts are much more economical that pre-packaged liquid supplements for plants. Also, they allow you to adjust your supplementation to the plants' specific needs.
It's basically taking the dry ingredients that come in liquid fertilizer, such as Flourish, and mixing them with water yourself. Much cheaper. There are a few different ways to do it. Some more precise than others. Some come pre-mixed and you just add water and put it in your tank. Some you measure the amount of each nutrient you want and mix it how you want it, based on what your water needs.
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