Dumb Noob Move, I mean dumb!

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Well the good thing is that I didn't bring home a Neon Dottyback. It was a great price and it was SOOOO beautiful. But wrong for my tank. Well that was the good thing, there is bad.

I bought two rocks covered with nuisance algae, because I thought they looked cool, and they do. I also bought two hand sized rocks with Button Polyps and nuisance algae. I looked up a list of nuisance algae and boy did I have quite a bunch of the ones from the list :oops:

cotton candy algae in lovely burgundy
Bryopsis pennata and B. plumosa
Green Turf Algae
maybe Lobophora
Red Bubble Algae
probably green bubble algae
maybe some red turf algae
maybe some cyano
hair algae
shall I go on.....

Most of that stuff looks really cool.

Also fortunately I didn't put them in my main nano tank, but into a QT tank.

So don't know how much worst my selection of a mini forest rock could have been. They forgot to put one of my living rocks into my purchase, oh darn.

Well also I can return them. So I will be returning them.

Is Green Turf Algae really bad. Somebody give me the scoop.

I will take a couple pics of my mess.



Also I got a cool Blue Xenia, I think... Is this also a weed and I should get rid of it? It was 2 chunks of it together and it was $5.50. I thought it was a Caribbean Flower Anenome. The Xenia was going for $21 or $24. they got it mixed up. Obviously didn't know anything, so that made 2 of us :rolleyes:


All I can say is I am embarrassed, but newly educated in all the bad kinds of Algae. So don't get this stuff newbies.
Bryopsis is the most pain in the butt nuisance algae there is...I've battled it twice and it is no fun at all. Like it sucks big time. The other ones aren't as bad but are still bad. Definitely return.

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Bryopsis is the most pain in the butt nuisance algae there is...I've battled it twice and it is no fun at all. Like it sucks big time. The other ones aren't as bad but are still bad. Definitely return.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice

+1. Also of you isolate the Xenia to a rock of it's own away from your main rock structure it won't takeover the tank.
You could use a Hydrogen peroxide dip to kill the hair algaes.. Works every time.

I'd actually get a big bucket or kegorator to scrub the rocks clean. In all honesty, I know there was a piece of xenia or something on one of the rocks but...it is what I consider a weed and would get rid of it. If you want some in the future to put in your sandbed, there will most def be someone in your area that could give you some, as it grows like a weed.

A peroxide dip would also be beneficial towards cleaning that piece of rock up, but it would still need a good scrub.
I had an issue with weird algae. I looked into it and brought a sea hare. There ugly creatures although dispite having shrimps, angels, crabs and the like the kids think it's the coolest thing in there. It destroyed all the algae within a few days. I'm new to the marine side so I'm sure experts may have different opinions but it worked and actually has quite a character. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1408042608.518336.jpg

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I had an issue with weird algae. I looked into it and brought a sea hare. There ugly creatures although dispite having shrimps, angels, crabs and the like the kids think it's the coolest thing in there. It destroyed all the algae within a few days. I'm new to the marine side so I'm sure experts may have different opinions but it worked and actually has quite a character. View attachment 246755

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Yeah, not a good move.. If that thing dies, say bye to your entire tank.
So much to learn!!

Now I find a peach purple worm. Fireworm, Bristleworm they look pretty much the same when they are a half mm wide and 4-5mm long to me.

Guys, I don't know if I can do this... It will sting me if I touch it yikes :eek:

Will reef dip kill theses things?

After consideration, I think I want to control the weird stuff and not let anything in the tank that I don't mean to put there, thank goodness this is the QT tank.

It is too small for me to get a pic of.

So I got two hitchhiker Astrea Snails. I guess that's good.

The Xenia is shedding some pieces already. I love the little grabbing hand motion but hate the idea they will overtake my tank more. :hide:
99.9% of the time it's a bristle worm and I honestly wouldn't even worry about it. If you want to eliminate pests you can go with dry rock or man made base rock. It's really not that hard, don't worry ;). With your knowledge of fish keeping and the amount of research you do I have no doubt that you will have a gorgeous reef tank. And once you get it running for a few months it's just going to be a matter of making the water salty :D, everything else will be same as your fw maintenance routines I'm sure.
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