Dumb Question for SaltWater tanks!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 19, 2012
Ok, we all have seen Sea Monkeys! My dumb question of the day is, can they be used to feed saltwater fish?

They are just Brine Shrimp and wouldn't putting a few packets of sea monkeys into your tank just hatch a brine shrimp colony?

I can't be the first to wonder about this!
Not at all. I have some brine shrimp eggs somewhere around here, and I have a tank that's currently void of fish. I'll give it a try.
I am talking regular sea monkeys you get from Wal-Mart! :p Just so were clear on the issue. lol
Why would you put something from Walmart in your tank ? Brine shrimps eggs are like 4 dollars at the fish store
Sea Monkeys is just a "brand name" of brine shrimp, so they're significantly more expensive.

Not saying I would, I was just wondering if the brand "Sea Monkeys" was safe to put into a salt water tank to hatch and start a brine shrimp colony for the fish to eat. I am not asking if brine shrimp eggs are cheap some place else.
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