Dwarf Gourami and tiger barbs?

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I asked about tiger barb aggression in another thread. I was told that if you have a good size group, the tiger barbs will pick on each other rather than other species of fish.
The gouramis may fight. It is best to give them a lot of heavy plant cover, to break up sight lines, so they are not having to see each other all the time. Floating plants too, for shade, and very little water current. They are fragile fish that often do not live for long, which is quite sad, since they are so pretty.

The barbs may harass a gourami anyway, especially if it is weak. They prefer tankmates that are less boisterous, but the barbs do tend to chase each other more if there are enough of them, so hopefully it will be ok.
Slow moving groumai with long feelers , hmm, it would be Builled to death in a month. There too tempting. Larger school do not cut out aggression, they would be fight each other most of the time, then use there numbers to gang up on each.

Second, 2 DG might fight there self als. So I would pick one or be other. I wouldn't risk both. Tigers are the devil haha
In spite of what I said earlier, I honestly I have to agree with this last post. I really don't trust tiger barbs with any fish that has long feelers, or large flowing fins. Too tempting for the barbs to ignore.
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