Dwarf Puffer Tank!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 12, 2006
I've decided my other 10 gallon tank will be a dwarf puffer tank. I have the 10 gallon aquarium and a Top Fin 10 HOB. I'm going to get a Powerhead 201, plenty of fake plants (with no sharp edges of course) and some good caves for them to hide in. I think I'm going to stock with 2 Dwarf Puffers and 3 Otos. I read that I need sand instead of rocks... where can I get the sand from? Do places like Petsmart sell the sand or do I have to go somewhere else? I still gotta buy the hood and heater. I'll be jump starting the aquarium with filter media from my other 10 gallon... How long do I need to wait to put in the puffers once I get the tank running with the used filter media?


Can you use PFS (Pool filter Sand) It is kind of thick so do your research on what kind of sand is best, because I can't tell you. Actually I found this link that I thought was informative for basic info and it mentions sand


I have read that it is great for them to have lots of plants/caves...

If the other filter media is established, you could just about skip a cycle all together. To do this you need a good amount of filter media and you don't want to take to much from the other tank and send it into a cycle.

Some people buy a new filter and run it in conjunction with the old one and switch it in a few weeks. If you have a good size sponge and enough media for the other tank you should be ok but test to make sure.
Thanks for the link! I have two Top Fin 10 filters so when it comes time to start up the new 10 gallon (I'm moving on November 4th, so probably be mid November before I find the time) I'll just put the old filter on the new tank and start up the other filter on the old tank. My L/F Danios are fairly hardy when it comes to ammonia since the tank is just now finishing its cycle and all are surviving and thriving (these guys are active and great to watch even when ammonia was hitting 1.5).

The easiest thing to do IMO is to run both the TopFin filters on your established tank for 2-3 weeks, and then move one over to the puffer tank as you add the puffers. This should minimize the impact on your danio tank, while giving you an abbreviated cycle on your puffer tank. Keep your test kit handy if you go this route, as you may see a mini-cycle in either tank. PWCs will keep your perameters under control- I've started many tanks this way with great success.
Yes, you can purchase sand from PetSmart. It is over in the marine or SW section, but you can use it an either FW or SW tanks
If you want PFS, just look in the yellow pages (or google) for a pool supply store near you. I got a 50 pound bag for I think $6.99. Way cheaper than any of the stuff you'll find at a pet store. The only reason I'd buy sand at the petstore would be if you are unable to carry a 50 pound bag (that tends to be the smallest size bag PFS is available in), or if you are looking for something like a black sand (e.g. Tahitian Moon Sand, which IMO makes an awesome looking substrate).

I currently have a tank with dwarf puffers, I can't say mine ever showed any particular interest in caves. Basically they like to explore and they like to hunt, so the more "interesting" your tank is, the happier they will be. Rocks, driftwood, caves, and plants plants plants will keep them happy. They also tend to be nippy and aggressive with each other, so lots of plants helps to cut down on that. (Piece of advice, if you get more than 1, try to get all of them approximately the same size. WhenI first got them I had two, one was an adult and the other a juvenile, and the adult was relentless in harassing the little one.)

Also, I don't think they care one bit whether the bottom is a gravel or a sand; they never spend time resting on the substrate. If you think there is some reason you *have* to have sand as a substrate, I'd be skeptical of whatever source told you that. I've kept DP's over both gravel and sand and never noticed any difference.

Definitely listen to "severum mama's" advice regarding the filters; run both filters on your established tank for a couple of weeks, that will give time for the beneficial bacteria to grow on the new filter, then you can remove that one and put it on your DP tank when you add the puffers and you'll essentialy have that tank instantly cycled, without seriously hurting the cycle on your new tank. Without doubt it's the best way to do it.

Last, just in case you haven't already discovered it, there is a must-read site: http://www.dwarfpuffers.com/.

Enjoy, and keep us posted on your progress!
I think I'll go ahead and add the second filter to my tank now so when I do move it will be ready to go! Do places like Petsmart sell the live bloodworms to feed them?

I don't think petsmart does. My DP only eats frozen bloodworms and small ramshorn snails. Make sure you have a ton odf snails to feed them. I usually add about three a day, then i feed frozen bloodworms on the weekend. I think you will find them your favorite fish out of all! I think they are amazing. They might apreciate some live plants in there too. Try some java ferns, the all the fish will apreciate those.
Another thing I thought of, be sure you have at least one or two plants with large, flat leaves (something like Anubias, whether real or plastic). I found that after lights out, mine like to "sleep" by resting on those broad leaves.

Oh, and as for live bloodworms, none of the chain pet stores near me carry them, but I did find one mom&pop pet store that does. You just need to ask around, even places that have them often don't advertise it, so you need to ask.
What live plants can I add without having to add co2?

Java fern and anubias are both low light plants. They do not require CO2 at all and they are very easy to keep.
If your 10g tank has a standard fluorescent tube, that's a 15 W light, so you have 1.5 wpg. That will let you grow quite a variety of things, definitely anubias (of all sorts, anubias is an umbrella term for lots of similar plants). java fern, java moss, anacharis, hornwort, most vals, and many/most crypts. I've also kept some smaller swords (compacta swords, etc.) in a 10g with that level of light.

Lots of threads and stickies in the "planted tank" forums here that will give you tons of good advice about plant choices for a low-light setup like yours, if you decide you want to add some live plants.
I have a 10gal dwarf puffer tank with 3 puffers and 1 oto. I have a GE plant & aquarium bulb (so 1.5 WPG) keep amazon sword, java fern, hornwort, anacharis, melon sword, moneywort, crypt wendtii, rotala indica in it. I know banana plants will do ok in low light.

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