dwarf puffers

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 8, 2005
i am interested in getting 1 or 2 for my brackish tank but people say that they will kill anything that is with them. But i have also heard that they will not do that and i saw a small tank at a fish store with a few dwarf puffers and alot of other differnent fish. so i am wondering what i should do not get them or should i get them?
in my brackish tank i have 4 bumblebee gobies a flounder and 5 amano shrimp. btw
i have never kept dwarf puffers but i think they will eventually shred anything in the tank with them. It's sort of like a betta, there is a possiblity it could work.. but more of a probablility that it won't becuase Puffers have those sharp little beaks.
male betta's do fine with comunity fish so long as its not another male betta..
dwarf puffers are FW fish to begin with..
and what Ive read says you can keep them together so long as they have about 2.5 gallons worth of terriory to stake as there own (plenty of cover)
I recently gave mine away....A. because the other puffer died and before i got to giving him the royal flush the bigger one tore him to shreads, and B. It was a boring tank...I personally am not a big fan of them at first i thought they were really cool, and then they just got boring. I gave them to my boyfriend who really likes them. So, it worked out. I heard u can keep em with ADF...
greenmaji said:
male betta's do fine with comunity fish so long as its not another male betta..
dwarf puffers are FW fish to begin with..
and what Ive read says you can keep them together so long as they have about 2.5 gallons worth of terriory to stake as there own (plenty of cover)

I meant that in the fact that they might or might not wokr with other fish, not with other dwarf puffers. i have also kept a betta in a community tank.
Yeah,DP are FW to begin with and should not be put into BW.I keep my DPs in a 30 gallon tank with some fancy guppies.I was going to move my betta in there but then it will have problems with the guppies since they look so alike he might think they are another betta.I agree with Japola,I first bought these on impluse and thought for a little while and got some.I used to be looking at the tank for hours and watching the ever so interesting puffers but they soon got boring becuase they wern't as playful as described online.I do occasionally play peek-a-boo with the puffers but then thats it.At least they are keeping the snail population in my tank in check.You can add other cool BW fish like glass fish(DON'T EVER BUY THE PAINTED ONES :evil: ),mollies,knight gobies and other cool fish.But IMO the coolest BW fish need large,very large tanks(like mudskippers,archers,and four-eyed fish)
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