Dying Assassin Snails

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 29, 2022
Manitoba Canada
As mentioned above, my assassin snails are dying off. I found an empty shell and dead one yesterday. I confirmed 3 were still alive. This morning another one had died so I believe the other 2 are still living (havent found them yet).

They are not old. I have taken over my tank in January and they were placed in the tank after the plants and fish have established. They lived there happily feasting on some pest ramshorns. They were intially brought in to control the population.

My question is whether my treatment for ich could still have killed these guys? I used Nox Ich but had removed the Assassins and Amanos to a quarantine tank for the duration of the treatment.

The treatment consisted of 2 rounds of Nox Ich, so about a week of active tx. I had tried to raise the temperature but I only have a partial lid with 200watt heater (my spare was in the QT). During treatment, I was changing 20% water every day because I was gravel vaccing. After treatment, I ran fresh charcoal in the filter and dropped to weekly water changes for 2 weeks before readding the inverts.

I had been testing water weekly to see when I need to do water changes. Currently the readings for ammonia, nitrates and nitrates are at 0 and have held there for the past month so I was going to do a water change tomorrow.

Is there anything I am missing? I liked those murderous guys...and would be interested in getting new ones but I don't want to kill the noobs too! Fish and Amanos are happy and healthy.
Ich medication will kill snails, but running carbon and the water changes should have cleared it enough.

Are they getting enough food?
Yes. There are ample pest snails in the tank. Not overrun but they are visible on glass, rocks and plants. I also drop a few "extra" sinking pellets opposite from where I feed the tetras to let the pleco have variety. I alternate drop offs of pellets and algae wafers but don't feed those daily. Usually every 2-3 days mainly to give variety as there is algae and driftwood in the tank for the pleco and shrimp to munch on.

I think I have found the cause of my Assassin Snail deaths. They have been joined in snail afterlife by nearly all off the pest Ramshorns.

pH is at 8.2. I had been testing at 7.4 pretty regularly so I had neglected checking that. I had bought Indian Almond Leaves to see if I could get my Kuhli Loaches in my QT to eat so I had tossed one in the main tank so I assume it was higher. pH for Assassins is 8 at top range.

According to Google my pH would rise based on plant mass? This is my first attempt at a planted tank. Added 3 more leaves (Google says 1 per 10 gallons) and will monitor pH weekly now.

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