dying fish!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 29, 2015
I have a 10 gallon tank with two fish in it(delta blue guppy and dalmatian molly). Everything was great but was beginning to see little nips at the tail with red at the tips. I thought the guppy had a bacterial infection so i went to the store to pick it up. when i got home i saw a terrible sight, the tail was a nub and by then i relized i had to separate. I moved the injured into another bowl(its dechlorinated and treated). I can tell he isn't going to make it though. hes just laying on the bottom breathing. I don't want to watch him suffer though! Is there a graceful way to put him out of his pain?
Clove Oil I believe can be used. I haven't tried, but I read it on here.

Going forward a Dalmation Molly is not suitable for a 10g. Mollies are very active fish and get large. Most should be in 30g or larger.

They often act semi-aggressive esp in cramped quarters.

I would return or rehome the Molly and test your water then come up with a stocking plan. People here can offer ideas or help pick more suitable fish for 10 gallon

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Guppies should really be raised in species only tanks, especially only a 10g.
Mollies are teritorial, males and females, they are very agressive and need a big tank all to themselves. Guppies are very curious, and im sure the mollie attacked the little guppy.
Clove oil is a sedative, you find it at health food or nutrition stores. Put a few drops in a gallon of water and stir, then drop the fish in. It sedates them. After its passed out, drop it in some ice water.
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