Dying Oto

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 2, 2010
Houston, Texas
Yep, that's right guys, one of my beloved otos is sick. He's become very lethargic and seems to be prone to just lying out in the open. I nudged him with my pipette a bit today and he just flipped over, not a good sign. I don't see any mechanical damage on him but he's breathing heavily and his back seems to have a very red tint to it. The other fish and otos are fine. This would be my first oto death if (she) doesn't make it. ):

Anyone have any ideas? I think it may be a bacterial infection as the skin beneath his scales is red.

Parameters as of yesterday:
pH-7.2 (woo got it down lol)

I have some antibacterial medicine I may try dosing him tomorrow.
How long has it been in the tank? Is it's belly distended by chance?
I've had it since may. Nothing unusual has been happening, the belly isn't distended, no pine coning. It doesn't look hungry either. Its tank mates are all looking fine. edit: his eyes seem a bit popped out.

Yeah that's weird

Red spots is a bit odd. For behavior like that I usually use Maracyn two for it and see how it goes. Love Otos. I've lost a few due to "Lucifer" (named for being so pushy) my Angel fish who tended to pick on them, so they all got moved out and replaced with a bristle-nose.

Read the chart it says that it's an internal infection and to treat with Maracyn-Two. Hope you have some. Hope you can get it turned around. Hey, that's in your new aquascape, good job with that one.
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Get some Maracyn-two

Yeah, get some maracyn-two in the tank asap. It will kill the internal infection etc. and will promote eating again.
I found the diagnosis I think: bacterial hemmorrhagic septicemia. It's caused by gram negative bacteria so I'm going to use Maracyn 2. I've disinfected with Formaldehyde/quinine/hydrochloric acid(some koi meds[they worked wonders on my koi's ulcers]). Gonna have to find Maracyn 2 tomorrow.

Prognosis- Not very bright, but oh well, He's QT right now in a nice, dimly lit tub that I had set up to QT my Rams.

Anyways most literature says that it is caused y poor water quality. My parameters read normal so I'm not sure what it may be. I think they were stressed from the rescape and this one was weakened just enough to get infected by something nasty.
Well, he didn't make it. I think I'm going to freeze the body. When school starts I can take him to the lab and look at what was ailing him under a scope. If I can't see anything I'll just say it was bacterial and move on with life.

My friend wants to give a eulogy for it haha.
aww :( sorry to hear he didn't make it. kinda neat that you can look at him under a microscope though.

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