So this morning I fed my community tank blood worms for the first time in a few weeks, they are all aggressive right now like the tetras are attacking the other tetras, the rainbow is attacking the Buenos Aires, the Buenos Aires are attacking the other Buenos Aires(think it's blind or something maybe neurological) the Buenos Aires are trying to attack or push my clown loaches away from food then they get beat up by the clown loaches... help I have a dysfunctional fish family.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Ph 7.5
Nitrate 25
Temp 78
It looks like everyone's fighting for their favorite food but I'm not liking it as I already have a fish in the tank that's attacking my Lemons and eating their under fin, I was told it's not the clowns but there's no other fish in the tank faster than they are, unless it's the other tetras doing it but I'm not thinking a lemon/candy cane can eat the entire tail and dorsal fin off another lemon, I know the Buenos Aires are jerks but I just can't find them a home and I just can't bring myself to euthanizing them when they aren't sick... well One is acting weird the same symptoms as the last 2 fish I had to euthanize, like somethings wrong with their brain they seem fine but they act like they have something wrong mentally example: the last 3 fish over 1.5 years time will swim in circles at the very top of the water and do small laps, then dive to the bottom and chill out.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Ph 7.5
Nitrate 25
Temp 78
It looks like everyone's fighting for their favorite food but I'm not liking it as I already have a fish in the tank that's attacking my Lemons and eating their under fin, I was told it's not the clowns but there's no other fish in the tank faster than they are, unless it's the other tetras doing it but I'm not thinking a lemon/candy cane can eat the entire tail and dorsal fin off another lemon, I know the Buenos Aires are jerks but I just can't find them a home and I just can't bring myself to euthanizing them when they aren't sick... well One is acting weird the same symptoms as the last 2 fish I had to euthanize, like somethings wrong with their brain they seem fine but they act like they have something wrong mentally example: the last 3 fish over 1.5 years time will swim in circles at the very top of the water and do small laps, then dive to the bottom and chill out.