Easiest way to feed vegetables to snails

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 10, 2023
I know its easy, but I hate cooking vegetables every couple of days for my snails. Is it okay to cook a bunch of vegetables like zucchini and spinach then freeze it? or buy canned vegetables?
There are a number of commercially made snail foods. Why not switch to them if prepping food for them is a hassle?

I thought feeding them real vegetables like spinach will give them more calcium to grow harder shell and have better color

The only food im seeing is algae wafers which I do feed them, but from time to time I love giving them healthier nutrition like spinach
I know its easy, but I hate cooking vegetables every couple of days for my snails. Is it okay to cook a bunch of vegetables like zucchini and spinach then freeze it? or buy canned vegetables?

Cooking and freezing is fine, though leafy things like spinach will defrost into mush. Slices of cucumber, zucchini, and carrot will hold up better.

They really don't need to be cooked, just blanched. But I get it that pulling out the pan and going through the process, however short, is a drudge. Blanching is simply boiling the slice for 1-2 minutes to break down the outer fibers, making it more accessible to them.

So if you blanch a bunch, then save a few slices in the fridge, they'll last about a week in there. The rest can be frozen and will be good for months.
I would make/ prep the food then add the parts to a specific size for who I was feeding, ice cube tray fill empty space using filtered water. Then just drop in however many the tank needed.

Also Hikari Crab Cuisine is loved by bottom feeders and shrimp and snails. Look for "Snello" / snail jello recipes. Rapashy is used frequently. I think TMaier had a recipe. You can use the search feature here.
My snails love repashy soilent green, hikari crab cuisine dennerle snail food is also good for calcium and protein. I like to feed spinach,kale and broccoli.

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