effect of copper on fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 3, 2004
Apalachin, NY
Can copper medications make fish act weak and sickly? Obviously a fish being treated is sick to begin with, but can the copper itself cause the fish to "not feel well?"

I'm treating a false perc who suddenly began acting much much worse fairly immediately after the medication was added to QT.
Which kind of copper are you using and how are you measuring the dosage?
Also have you checked you PH and ammonia? These readings can get screwy while treating.
The pH and ammo are good. The bottle says, "chelated copper sulfate," which I measured according to label directions with a measuring spoon, one teaspoonful per four gallons.
When i used chelated copper with my clown he did the same thing. I read on live aquaria that they are sensitive to copper and it has to be kept at the proper levels at all times. I also dosed according to directions, but I quickly had to do a water change because it was too much according to my test kit.
Would be better off getting some copper that you can get a test kit for like cupramine. Otherwise its pretty easy to OD the med.
Too little copper won't kill the parasite and too much copper can kill the fish.
Is this generally a problem if I measure perfectly the medication? If I use 1 teaspoonful per 4 gallons, do I still run the risk of too high / too low copper?
I still like to be able to test the water when using copper. Its so critical that the level be right. Then there is the issue of redosing, water changes, etc. Too easy IMO for the level to get out of wack with a 2-3 week treatment.

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