egg deposited today--now what

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
one gold fish today deposited eggs in 90 gal tank!!! Now what??? Do I try & save some & if so how & how long before they are baby fishies.

Last summer I haphazardly hatched some from these adults outside. The eggs were attached to a water hyacyth(sorry about spelling) & the plant was put into a seperate container.

What do I do indoors now?
I've never done this, but this is what I've read:

Move the plant the eggs are attached to to a fry tank (keep warm - say 70's, & add a sponge filter). Watch the eggs over next few days - if they turn white, they are either not fertilized or dead. Otherwise you can see baby fish in 1-2 weeks. The book I have suggests culling the frys for deformaties (very common, esp in fancies) at 2 & 4 weeks after hatching.

The frys are supposed to be fed infusoria to start. Guppyman has the info in another thread on brine shrimp Here:

If you have lots of plants in your tank, you might consider leaving them in your 90 gal. The adults will eat some, but a few should make it with enough hiding place.

EDIT: Here's an article I book marked on breeding goldfish:
I don't have a planted tank. But there are 'eggs' attached to the powerheads & on the large rocks plus the snail has some on his shell. I am considering putting the snail in a seperate tank & see what happens.
I'd say go ahead & do it! You might even try to scrape off some eggs from the rocks, etc & see what happens. The adults will be eating the eggs anyway, so if the move cause them to die, there really isn't any loss.

I would consider putting small batched of eggs on seperate things (breeding mops? plants - eg hornwort?) so if a clump dies, you can remove that easily.

Keep us posted on the result. It would be exciting to see babies.

Good Luck!
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