Eheim Pro II 2026 leak help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2004
Austin TX
I have 2 of these filters and they both are leaking where the power cord comes out of the top. There is a little reservoir that fills with water and slowly leaks. If I absorb the water with a towel, it immediately fills back up. I have to keep the filter inside of a bucket to prevent the leaks from ruining my carpet. I ordered a new o-ring from Eheimparts. Any advice is appreciated.
[center:4c57f3ee3d]:smilecolros: Welcome to AA, perfectfusion!! :n00b: [/center:4c57f3ee3d]

I am not good with mechanics :? . It sounds like you are doing what you can until the parts come in. It's odd that both are leaking, Eheim is supposed to be great.
Hopefully someone else will pop in and help out.
One is used it is about 1.5 years old. The other is brand new. I got a new gasket from Eheim and everything seemed to be fine for about 30 minutes. Then, the reservior near the cord started to fill with water and leak again.

I am getting really frustrated.
Well I finally got it to work... it turns out that the o-rings that were on the intake hoses were the wrong ones. That is how it came out of the box!! The shop that I got the filter from is an authorized repair/dealer, and they were able to replace the o-rings at no charge. They went ahead and set it up in the shop and let it run for awhile to make sure that it wouldn't leak again.
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