electric blue acara

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Angie M

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 29, 2017
Georgia, USA
I have a male electric blue acara and trying to set him up with a female. I ordered a couple on line and I'm not sure if they are female or not. Also I'm afraid to put the new acara's in with the older one. I'm afraid he will eat them. Does anyone have advise for me?
Electric Blue Acaras aren't known to be overly aggressive. Unless the new Acaras are tiny, the adult male Acara probably won't eat them. If you have a second tank, it might be a good idea to keep the new additions there and grow them out a bit. Like with all established New World Cichlid tanks, when introducing new tankmates, rearranging the aquascape, making more hiding spots, and breaking up the line of sight, makes the transition easier. There are several members who are EBA breeders. Likely one will chime in with more suggestions. Good luck.
How much smaller are they?
The only way I can sex my EBA is by size...
Females are generally smaller then males the same age...
They are more aggressive then I thought they would be towards each other but they do not kill each other when crowded...If they fit in his mouth he may eat them? Try placing them next to him in a tank or container they can see each other in?
Feed the male big so he is full before adding the smaller if you try...
the older one is 1 1/2 years old, he is about 3". The new ones are bigger then his mouth. They are maybe a little less then 1". I have the new ones in a tetra tank. They are about the same size. So from what your saying they should be ok? I can't tell if they are male or female. I really wanted 2 females to go with the male, but I don't think that's what I got.
IMO it would be better to fatten the new arrivals up for a month or so in your tetra tank.
EBA are $15 a peice in my neighborhood. Expensive lunch.
I moved my new eba over to their new home yesterday. Everyone seems to be doing fine. I know I'm taking a chance, but was just excited to get them into their tank

I added 2 young EBA's to my tank and they died. I need to find out what was wrong with my tank and I need 2 new fish. I want females to go with my male. My older one is doing fine. Please let me know if you can help me
Bandit has some nice Eba. I added 4 with my 2 full grown adults and they're all happy together. I can't sex them until the female has gone full white side
Bandit has some nice Eba. I added 4 with my 2 full grown adults and they're all happy together. I can't sex them until the female has gone full white side
Thanks man.:cool:
I ship every Monday.
I do 4 for $40 with shipping included.
My EBA are 2-3 inches now so I might be able to sex them ?
How did your water test out ?
How much smaller were the two compared to your larger?
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