Electric Yellow Lab HELP

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 16, 2013
Hey guys,

I just noticed something on my electric yellow lab. I attached pictures of what is going on. It's a bit darker red than what the pictures show. I'm sure it's some type of fungal infection. The lab was my first cichlid I have ever had. So this fish is very important to me (not that my other ones aren't). But if you guys could give me a diagnosis. As well what I need to do to treat him. Any help will be much obliged. Thanks,


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Where exactly should we be looking? Any strange behavior?

At his gills. I know it's hard to see from the picture. But there is a little red bump around his gill. It's only on one side
Not much help, I'm quite new to this, but am now treating my tank for internal parasites... I would suggest watching him closely, look for any other possible signs of illness. Could be infection, could be nothing.. idk, maybe someone else has an idea, I just think the more you see/know the better gl!
What are your nitrate and ammonia levels?

How often do you do a water change?

I had the same issue with a few of my labs. I had bad water, high ammonia, high nitrate levels.
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