electronic co2?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 17, 2012
berkshire, england
i seen these units that create co2 by seperating the particals are these any good? what are the advantages and disadvantges?
I read something about it a while back but can't remember where. If I recall correctly it mentioned something about it being too expensive and ineffective. In other words really crappy bang for buck currently. I'll try and find the article a post it.
Can't find the article but here's how it works...
Electrolysis. Electricity is applied to a carbon block. The carbon block releases CO2.
Not being familiar with the system, I cannot give any concrete opinions on it. That being said, as a chemist I see some major issues with this setup. It would be hard to control, not cost efficient, low yield, bulky (it would probably have to be in your tank), and have potential side products.

I would stick with what works: pressurized and DIY co2.

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