Electronic Saltware Test Meters - Help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 20, 2007
I am looking into buying some decent electronic meter.
for PH, Salinity, Calcium

is there one that measures Alkalinity ???
Any others I should watch closely ??

Any advice would be greatly apprecited !!!
Are you talking items that stay in your tank and you can monitor? I'd say the cheaper route is a Hanna Instruments Testers http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=9848&N=2004+113074 for pH and TDS. I would also suggest a Refractometer http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=9957&N=2004+113074. As for the calcium, you can just buy a Ca testing kit. I know there are other "active" monitoring devices, but I don't own one and can't remember the site I saw them. I believe, once you get the hang of taking care of your tank, you won't need those other things. I would suggest, just test your water, learn how your tank works and keep up with regular PWCs.
Something portable would be fine .... I'm not looking for anything to keep inside the tank all the time. Does the PH/TDS unit test both PH and salinity ??

I am not familia with what the TDS reading would tell me.
Also I am hearing alot about ORP lately ... is it important to test ORP weekly ??
i know they have portable ph monitors. i cant remember the name but i used then before and they were pretty close. just keep it clean
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