engineer goby growth

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 25, 2003
Milwaukee WI
Does anyone know much about engineer gobies (also seen them called convict goby/blenny)? I've done research but I can't seem to find anywhere that tells me how fast they grow. That is, if I buy a juvenile (about 2 1/2" in length) how long before I can expect it to start morhping into it's adult coloration? I understand that they can get to be 12-14". I'd like to know what those with personal experience have to say. Thanks again in advance.
I just had one that died last week. He lasted about 14 years and went through about 6 moves, ich, etc. He grew to about 9-10 inches. If I remember correctly, it was about 6 months before he started looking like an adult.
I guess I'll just tack this next question on to the end here because I can't find any info about it. Is there anyway to sex these fish? If so, can they be sexed as juveniles?
Ours are fine and dandy, two happy tankmates.. one is one month older than the other and they are looking good.. had them both about 3 months and they are already showing signs of stretching out and their fins down the side are looking more like flowing black velvet. When we first got them, they looked like little ugly black and white sperm.. Sorry for the reference.. Now, they are beautiful and happy..
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