Essentially Algae Free Tanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 24, 2011

Had algae problems in these two 55 G tanks about a year ago. To control the algae, I decided to put a potted aquatic plant into the tank every month or so. The more complex plants used up the added nutrients in the water and today, the algae is limited to a small bit on a couple of the older plants.

The pots have small holes in the bottom to allow for the roots to grow and contain a layer of pea gravel, then a layer of organic potting soil, covered by a layer of the pea gravel.

The tanks both have one T5, 32 watt bulb, less than one watt of light per gallon of tank size, just enough for the Java fern, varieties of Amazon swords, Water Wisteria, Peace lily, Cryptocoryne and a couple of others I can't recall. Plus a hundred or so Fancy Guppies and some Corydoras.

Tanks aren't pretty, but I found out adding plants to the tank will eventually take care of an algae problem.

looks pretty good,it would look nicer if they werent in pots. how big is it?
Pretty common tactic actually. That's how we planted tank keepers keep algae in check. I have only spot algae in my tank but that's taken care of on a semi weekly basis.
Algae Free Tanks

Hello al...

The two tanks are 55 Gs. This turned out to be an expertiment just to see the affects the plants had on algae growth. Agreed, the pots could go, but the potting mixture fertilizes the plants for several months and using the pots doesn't disturb the substrate and dirty the tank water.

Not pretty, but my wife and I are the only ones seeing the tank, wife didn't like the pots either. The fish don't care how the tank looks, as long as the water conditions are good.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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