Established tank but new fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2005
In front of my tank
I just moved and lost ALL my fish. :( Some of which I have had a LONG time. :( I have had Mbuna since the beginning and I've decided to get some cichlids that I have not kept before. BUT I was wondering with the following stock list, is there an Mbuna, or a Malawi Cichlid that will "play nice" and get simialer in size and shape to Otopharnyx Lithobates? They are a georgous fish and I would like to get one for my tank, but I am not sure they would go well with the other guys in the tank. They will be in a 125 gallon tank.

Labidochromis caeruleus Lion's Cove “Yellow”
Labidochromis sp. "Hongi"
Labidochromis sp. "Super Red Top Kimpuma"
Met.sp.“Black Dorsal Gold” - may not get this one
Pseudotropheus demasoni Pombo Rocks
Pseudotropheus flavus Chinyankwazi
The Otopharnyx Lithobates is a very beautiful fish. If you are wanting fish of similar shape, you'll be looking for haps. Mbuna can be kept with haps and be perfectly fine (I have them mixed without problems). I've never kept them so I don't know the aggression. The yellow labs (Labidochromis Caeruleus) and Demasonis are great fish to choose from. You could get all those that are listed (not sure about the Black Dorsal Gold fish since I've never heard of it). Try adding as many as possible at once and try to get them in similar sizes. They may not grow to the same size, but that really doesn't matter. I have a 7 inch Johanni with 1 1/2 inch Yellow Labs and it has never been an issue. But, YMMV. Cichlids are interesting fish in that their personalities really dictate agression. I had an Auratus that was very docile and was picked on by the labs. I'd recommend getting groups though.
The cichlids I lost were pretty aggressive. Well some were anyway. My Maylandia greshakei was pretty dominant. There was no doubt the tank was his. My johanni was fairly calm. I had a pair of auratus that were stone cold killers. I lost 4 fish in 2 days after I put them in. MEAN is an understatement!! So you think the O lithobates would be fine? Would I be better off putting him in first and waiting a month or so to allow him to establish himself in the tank?
The fish I chose can be seen at I have bought from them and they are awesome!
The Greshakei that we used to have was also the dominate one in the tank. I think its in their nature. He would chase all of the fish arund and was a fin nipper. He died during Hexamitosis, so we got a new juvi, hoping the agression would be less.

The Auratu's are notoriously agressive fish. The females are less than the males, but the males will tare fish apart.

The key with African's is agression. To cut down on agression, add as many at once as you can. This way they all have to find a new home at the same time. If you can't add more than 1 or 2 at a time, each time you add new fish, take them all out of the tank and rearrange the decor. It will confuse them and cause them to have to get used to the tank together. If you don't want to do that, try rearranging the decor, then feeding the existing fish on the left side of the tank, and net in the new fish on the right side. The current stock will be too busy eating that they won't notice the new fish at first. OR, add a new hiding place each time a fish is added. That's what we did. Each time a new fish was added, I'd put in a new rock formation or chunk of greenery.

Also, slightly overstock the tank. This will help cut back on agression. Are you overfiltering the tank?
Before I moved I had a Fluval 404 and a HOT 250 and a Penguin 330. Now I have 3 330's and the HOT 250. I have not set up the 404 but will this afternoon after work. This many filters is temporary. I have a wet/dry that was given to me. I am going to clean it up real well and set it up next month.
I plan on putting more rock in my tank this time than ever. I kept all my rocks from before the move and have some rocks from a 75 that are going in as well. There will be plenty of hiding places for them now!!
I was about to say, I would invest in 2 Canisters or a wet/dry to eliminate the clutter that hob's put on a tank. Sounds like you have it all under control. :D When you get the setup complete, post pics in the gallery of your tank. I'd love to see how it turned out.
I have a wet/dry as I said. I stopped by a lfs yesterday and they quoted me $70.00 for an overflow box! What is that?! For some plexiglass?! I am in the wrong business! Where can I find one cheap?
I have a wet/dry as I said. I stopped by a lfs yesterday and they quoted me $70.00 for an overflow box! What is that?! For some plexiglass?! I am in the wrong business! Where can I find one cheap?
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