For Sale or trade: Even more guppy fry...they just keep coming!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 15, 2013
Little Elm, TX
You name the price!

I have so many guppies I don't even know what to do with them! I have well over 100 fry between 3-6 weeks old...some are starting to get some color on their tails! I can already see some of the cobra markings on some. Plus, I have 3 pregnant females in the tank so I will have lots more in the very near future. :::UPDATE!! Mama had 24 babies today! Couple other mamas look ready to bust!:::

My guppies are nothing fancy, just the prettiest ones we found at the pet store, and they are healthy and disease free. The fry are all very healthy and are currently on a diet of Hikari First Bites, baby brine shrimp and microworms, but are starting to take small bits of flake and micropellets. They are growing so fast!

If you are looking for specific colors, I will know that info in a couple of weeks when they color up more. But if you don't care, they are ready to go now. They will be a variety of color: Orange, yellow cobra, blue, and purple. I can not sex them yet, so you can just get a mix. Will send pics if requested.

I have never shipped fish before but it doesn't look hard. Sending out a large order on Monday! I will package them in a box with styrofoam lining and newspaper. NO SET PRICE ON THE FRY! Make me an offer! They will very soon take over the 10 gallon tank they are in especially when the new batches are born.

I am also open to trade. Whadaya got? Always looking for shrimp!

*side note:* Please do not buy from me if you are just going to feed them to another fish. It will hurt my heart. But if you just want some cute, sweet, cheap fish to enjoy, then take them off my hands! :)
Pics of guppy fry! Getting big and ready for new home!

Someone asked me for some pics of the guppy fry for sale...the pics are not awesome because the stinkers won't stay still for even a second! But hopefully it will give you an idea of their size.

*I have tons of respect for people who somehow get amazing photos of their fish! It's HARD!*


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