Ever Needed Medical Attention

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 6, 2011
Has anyone ever got something from their aquarium that required medical treatment.
Not the fish.
I am talkin about people from cleaning their tank or something.
Do you always use bare hands and arms reaching , cleaning, ect?
The only time I ever had a problem was my fault. I had surgery on my hand and arm and even though I tried very hard to be careful before it healed, I ended up with an infection (carrying five gal buckets was a blast! LOL). But other than that, no. I've heard that there might be some things that you can catch from aquariums, but I can't think what they are. I would think as long as you are careful, don't put arms/hand with open wounds in the tank, wash your hands when you're finished working in the tank, don't put hands near eyes/nose/face when you have fish water on them, you should be fine. But I know that I've scraped/cut knuckles on the top edge of the tank when I'm scrubbing the glass, never did anything about it (I am SO not a germaphobe!) and nothing happened.

Why? Do you think you caught something? I know that I've seen long water proof gloves to use when you're working in a tank in some of the fish supply catalogues if you're worried.

It might just be a cowincidence .
It is called pleuricy.
Very painfull lung inflamation.
Nothing a strong painkiller and ibuprophin cant help.
I ask because I alwayse clean and maintain tank bare.
Nah, I don't think that cleaning tanks can cause a lung inflammation. Maybe if you got a lung full of tank water you might end up with pneumonia, but not pleurisy.

I always do my tanks bare as well. I think using gloves would be a pain. Hope you feel better.
Lara, pleurisy is usually bacterial/viral. The hospitals have been seeing a ton of it around here with a rise in respiratory infections. Lots of sinus infections and chest colds morphing into pneumonia and pleurisy. Talked to one of the docs last week and he said he has never seen this many young folks with serious complications from respiratory illnesses before. It's probably something you caught and didn't even realize until it settled in your chest but it's unlikely it came from your tank. It would have likely shown up as an infection someplace else first. (hands, arms, etc)
It might just be a cowincidence .
It is called pleuricy.
Very painfull lung inflamation.
Nothing a strong painkiller and ibuprophin cant help.
I ask because I alwayse clean and maintain tank bare.

I have had pleuricy, years ago back when I was in highschool. It was VERY painfull! I was a teenager, didnt take care of myself, stayed up late, got up early, didnt eat well, smoked, ..... its not wonder I got sick.... I dont think its possible to get that from a fish tank :)
No, its not Tasha.

Really, Maya? Im in FL and am a neurologic asst. Although we don't treat such things, we always hear when things are "going around". Must be a northern thing. Nothing here yet.
It's been terrible here in central Ohio. We have actually lost 2 acquaintances (husband's co-worker and a neighbor) both in their late 40's to complications from pneumonia in the last month and a half. My brother is a critical care nurse at our local hospital and they are seeing 2 or 3 a week on vents. Its starting as a really bad head/chest thing and progressing really fast.
now I got ademea
swollen leggs feet
had to stop ibuprofin
and another male swordtail died
all tant readings are good, 0ed out and 7.6 pH
tank getting a vavuuming in a few days if mi health doesnt worstn

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