Explanation for Platy Death

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 1, 2006
I was away from my tank this weekend, until today. One of my Sunset Platies was dead in the tank. I took a water sample and tested it, but the water is showing no levels of ammonia, nitrite, and while I know it can be inaccurate on the low end, less than 5 PPM on nitrate.

I have no idea what could have caused this fish's death. Do you guys have any ideas of what else I can check for to make sure my tank is doing okay?
No clue, kinda almost impossible to tell. Platies and Mollies aren't exactly the most hardiest and long lived, so it could have been almost anything.

Sorry to hear. :(
Thanks. I've been watching my tank and trying to see if there was anything else I might have overlooked, but I can't figure anything as of yet, and everyone else seems to be doing okay.
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