Extremely Shy Adult Oscar- advice?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 23, 2020
Hey All,

I’ve posted a few times over the past 3 months so you may be familiar with my situation, which unfortunately has not improved.

Here’s the short story:

I bought a used 60gal setup 3 months ago and it came with 5 big fish. It was overstocked so I got rid of two fish and kept these three:

-13” Oscar (female)
-10” Jack Dempsey (I believe female)
-9” common pleco

I soon found out that this was still not enough tank for these fish, so I bought a brand new 90gal two months ago.

I have two large HOBs and an FX6 and a large sponge filter. I do one 30% and one 50% change a week. I know that’s a lot, but I have discovered that’s about how long it takes for nitrates to get to 40.

Temp 78° (I’ve experimented and fish seem happiest here), no tank lights on in day, dim blue LED moonlight in evening. Natural river stone gravel, a couple big stumps for hiding.

Here’s my issue: the cichlids are VERY shy. Like seriously I almost never see them. I am told this is common with Dempsey but not Oscars! These two fish hang out together all the time. If Oscar hides, JD hides. If Oscar swims, JD swims. JD follows Oscar’s lead. I have never seen any aggression from either fish, although they chase the pleco off if he gets in their faces.

It’s been over 3 months and this Oscar still hides seriously like 23 hours a day. She’ll come out and swim occasionally. She does eat daily but only after dark when we can coax her out. Pellets, crickets, mealworms, krill. She seems super healthy and eats aggressively (usually).

Any ideas for me? I haven’t changed anything in the tank but I know they often react badly to water changes, and I feel I need to do one every 4 days or so (any ideas on the nitrate situation?)

Also, something I haven’t explored... although JD is not aggressive toward the Oscar, I wonder if Oscar still doesn’t want JD around and is bothered by her. Is that something to consider? What would be the symptoms of fish stress with no aggression?


The jd only coming out when the oscar does is a sign of stress/ wariness. But like I said before, jd's are notoriously shy. But seeing some community fish swimming around in there might ease up their anxiety and make me feel like it's OK to come out. I've used tiger barbs before cuz they are tough, big and fast. But anything too big to eat easily will do
Maybe like 6 or 8. You have enough tank space now. And those kind of fish won't add much to the bio load. You can also put some pothos plant in your hob filter to help with nitrates

Thanks for the ideas.

I should have mentioned- yes to both. I have 6 Buenos Aires tetras in there as dither fish, and 8 pothos cuttings (4 in each of the HOBs).

Thanks for the ideas.

I should have mentioned- yes to both. I have 6 Buenos Aires tetras in there as either fish, and 8 pothos cuttings (4 in each of the HOBs).
Oh OK, well, that drained my fish brain of ideas. Hopefully someone else can throw some ideas your way, sorry I can't do more

Do you think I should try taking the JD out for a while? If I do, how much time might be reasonable to decide whether it’s made a difference?

Well, that might be an option. I recently had 8 fish, including a 7" blood parrot and 2 similar sized oscars in a 7' 215g tank with an 8" green terror. After a couple of days, the gt had ev1 hearded into 1 end and hiding behind the plants and sponge. After I the gt out and put him in a 90, within about 15 minutes ev1 we free swimming again. The only difference is I could see that the gt was bullying ev1
On a side note, I had the gt in the 90 with a salvini and a convict and giant pleco i inherited with a tank I bought like you did. They all got along grand for a few months. The smaller 2 had logs they could hide in the gt couldn't fit. Then one morning I saw the Salvini dead on the bottom. He had been fine the previous night. I'm sure the gt killed him. The sal was about 5-6" and those fish are no pushovers when it comes to aggression

Again, thanks for the conversation.

I’ve been racking my brain here and I just don’t see any evidence of a problem between these fish. They seem completely compatible and seem (to me) to be happily coexisting. I have never ONCE seen either one chase the other or lunge (they both have lunged and chased at the pleco).

More evidence- every morning, seriously every single day, when we get up, the cichlids are out swimming. But the moment they see one of us (or even our dog!) they scoot for their cave.

There are a few places they could hide but they choose the same spot together. I suspect the Oscar picked it and JD follows along (insecure).

I’ve heard of people covering part of the tank with something (towel perhaps) for more cover. Is this something you might recommend?

I’m reluctant to just randomly try stuff because EVERYTHING I change sends Oscar into depression.


That's crazy. I've had several oscars and they generally act just the opposite, are ready to be fed and come running out. Really odd behavior, I understand why your frustrated. I wish I had an easy answer for you

I set up an extra tank I had and removed the Jack Dempsey and two of the Tetras for the time being. JD is actually being really active now; she was the one I figured would be stressed by the move!

Oscar hasn’t been any different, but it’s only been an hour. And my chasing the fish around her tank with the net (which was STUPID hard for those **** tetras!) definitely spooked her. So I’d imagine she’ll be hiding for a bit.

Hoping in the next few days to see whether this is an improvement or not.

I’m not crazy about maintaining two tanks, but if both cichlids are happier I will do it.

Not at all the outcome I predicted, but I’ve never seen this JD as active as she’s been since moving tanks! She’s swimming all over and weaving through the plants etc. Not hiding at all. It’s a smaller tank but she definitely seems happier!

Oscar still pouting and hiding as always. Darn it.

Me too! Oscar is sulking and moody. As always. I can never figure out what’s up with her.

Dempsey is like a whole new fish though. It’s weird.


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