fairly new to bettas

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dancersmama79 said:
So far AA is the best site ive found for good sound advice and i appreciate you sharing all your knowledge with me as well as conversation :) I added a small mini heater to dancers tank to keep his temp more stable and hes been more aggressive today but im sure it takes some adjusting to having something new in there. his fins look even better today :)

I'm glad to hear he's improving! He will appreciate the heater.
If you get a ten gallon use sand! I like it alot better. And i think i used like 25lbs on my 10 gallon and it gave me a 2 inch sandbed
My betta had a little white spot on his side with some fin damage once. I put a drop of bettafix in his tank and it cleared up over night. I don't know if this will help but I hope it does.
i appreciate it... :) im gonna buy a few things in the future to have on hand in case things come up so far the spot has gone away and faded into his scales and his head has turned to a lighter blue and his fins are healing from the fin rot... having the heater is a blessing bc i was keeping the house as warm as he needed to be lol now i can turn my heat down a bit and not have it so hot in here....
i started adding 1/4 tsp melafix to a half gal of water when i do his part water changes... his fins look so much better esp his tail when he fans them out... the melafix isnt affecting his behavior like it was before and hes seems less stressed wsince i added the heater and started the daily part water changes. im lookin forward to gettin him in at least a 5 gal tank... may start with a 5 gal since im new to aquarium setups and all that. then graduate him to a 10gal eventually. dont know how evryone else feels about their fish but hes definitely enriched my life since ive had him and ive learned alot about something i didnt know anything about... :)
dancersmama79 said:
ive been doing alot of research lately... lately ive been trying to gain as much information as possible so ive been eating sleeping dreaming fish lol

Lol. I find myself doing the same.

dancersmama79 said:
what snails are compatible with bettas?

All of them (depending how your Betta acts towards them though). I wouldn't add anything else to the 1g. It's pretty cramped already.
im still debating on whether to get a 5 or 10 gal and im still think of tankmates for him... i definitely wouldnt think of adding anything to his current tank theres just enough room for him :)
dancersmama79 said:
im still debating on whether to get a 5 or 10 gal and im still think of tankmates for him... i definitely wouldnt think of adding anything to his current tank theres just enough room for him :)

Cool. If I had to choose, I'd choose the 10g. You can fit fish tank mates (as well as shrimp and snails) and the water parameters/conditions will be more stable. Less fluctuations = happier, healthier fishes.
dancersmama79 said:
what kind of plants can u get to put in with the bettas and snails?

Any type of aquatic plant you like if you have the right growing conditions for it. For a beginner I'd recommend low light plants like mosses, java fern, anubia, crypts, hornwort, etc.
dancersmama79 said:
My lil guy only has one profound white spot on his head and ive noticed some discoloration on his cheeks but not white. hes still acting the same and eating the same just showing the physical signs... i just dont want it to turn into something major... ive heard about the pimples but he dont have any bloody veiny stuff or anything and he doesnt have anything that looks like Ich this just looks like a white patchy spot on his head... thanks for the info :)

No probs hope everything goes ok n u save ya lil guy :)
My betta had tank mates of a few tetras and corys. He never bothered them and they never minded him. It just depends on their personality. I've got one betta that we tried to put him in a bigger tank and he quit eating till we moved him back. He's just a grumpy old hermit lol.
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