Fan Worms - large or small

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Site Team
Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Post your pics - discuss and share your experiences!

Here are a few tiny little guys in my 6.6G

I had some a long time back, which would make tubes out of dietrus I guess, they looked like little mud tubes. They were very delicate and when I changed tanks they didn't survive.

About 2 weeks ago when visiting the SW lfs, I saw a great looking Christmas Tree coral, just saw it was also called Jewel Stone. Anyone have these? Was tempted to try it but it turned out to be ~$89. Had about 8 pair of worms. Probably a good thing I was saving money for something else!
Oh how I love feather dusters , I used to keep both big and small ones , they always did great in all my tanks , once I went to my 90g I added them in from my other tanks , they did awesome until I went on my wrasse kick ,

ever since I added wrasses all my feather dusters big and small are no more , I soon learned the duster worm is like a delicacy to a wrasse. I do miss them but I like my wrasses also :) .

the tank isn't the same with no dusters but I learned to get used to it .

I' been trying to dig up a picture I have of one duster it had like a 5 inch span. now that one was a prize by itself . I'll keep digging see if I can find it .
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