Fantail Calico Telescope Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 27, 2012
I have a fantail Telescope fish I have had over a year. I have him in a 30 gallon tank with one other. Both healthy and swim normal. But lately one has been sleeping up side down after he eats. He only does this after he eats. I give him peas and then the next morning he is fine again. It seems like he gets Swim bladder after every feeding. I made it a point to not feed him for a day them made sure he ate only one pellet of food the next day. And again he slept up side down. My tank is well filtered with a power filter at each end and one in the middle which makes for a cleaner tank and less waste in the tank. He swims happily most the time and then sleeps upside down after he eats. I am beginning to wonder if he just likes sleeping upside down. When I walk over to the tank and he see's me, he quickly begins to swim normal, Anyone else had this happen? Or any suggestions?
Healthy fish normally don't do that so something is up. Is there any changes you make at night (turning off the filter etc.)? I think you are over feeding him/her. Goldfish don't have Stomachs so don't feed everyday and only feed a little bit. You don't want to suddenly starve the fish so what you should do is start feeding two or three pellets/flakes every day. Then after you've done that for 4 days try feeding that amount every other day. Eventually get to the point where you can feed the fish once a week. Also let some algae grow and that is actually going to be better for him/her than fish food. Once you get enough algae to grow you should feed your goldfish food as a supplement and not as a main food source. Fish food is meat based and too much of that can upset their system. Try to lay off the food slowly until you can do it once a week as I said before. My fish don't eat fish food at all except maybe every few months. They eat natural things in my pond such as bugs and algae and some of them are 10 years old. I think the main reason tank Goldfish don't live as long as pond goldfish is #1 small areas stress them and #2 their diet is very unnatural. So I would crack down on your feedings and use algae discs until you can grow your own.

Are you presoaking the food ?
Fancies can't have Unsoaked flakes or non sinking pellets.

Make sure you are feeding quality food or greens n veggies.

I like Omega One

Notice first ingredients aren't fish meal or wheat or corn.

I've used Hikari as well

As was mentioned your fish need more space. 2 Fancies should have minimum 30-40g. I go bigger. Plus filtration for 120-160g. Here is a thread with great info.

Fancies can live 15+ years with good care.

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Hi Mimireco! What brand/type of food are you presently feeding? Feeding and wc schedule? Parameters? Is this one of your deep bodied fish?

With fancies and odd behavior, always start by ruling out water quality issues and perform some extra wcs. It honestly sounds like a food issue though.

Some fancies (particularly as they age and/or are deep/round bodied) develop food related buoyancy issues. A large part of this is due to ingredients such as corn/wheat/soy meals and starches and other unnatural fillers and additives which can not be properly digested and ferment or create other issues. Starvation is definitely not the answer but dietary adjustments may help. Switching to gel food usually has positive results along with lots of daily veggies. :)

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Healthy fish normally don't do that so something is up. Is there any changes you make at night (turning off the filter etc.)? I think you are over feeding him/her. Goldfish don't have Stomachs so don't feed everyday and only feed a little bit. You don't want to suddenly starve the fish so what you should do is start feeding two or three pellets/flakes every day. Then after you've done that for 4 days try feeding that amount every other day. Eventually get to the point where you can feed the fish once a week. Also let some algae grow and that is actually going to be better for him/her than fish food. Once you get enough algae to grow you should feed your goldfish food as a supplement and not as a main food source. Fish food is meat based and too much of that can upset their system. Try to lay off the food slowly until you can do it once a week as I said before. My fish don't eat fish food at all except maybe every few months. They eat natural things in my pond such as bugs and algae and some of them are 10 years old. I think the main reason tank Goldfish don't live as long as pond goldfish is #1 small areas stress them and #2 their diet is very unnatural. So I would crack down on your feedings and use algae discs until you can grow your own.

I have 4 tanks of these fish, two 30 gal, 45 gallon 55 gallon. Raised all from babies and some are 3 years old and all healthy. I don't over feed them and I never over load my tanks. This fish really seems like he just likes sleeping upside down. All my tanks have 3 filters, surround wall bubbler and two sponge filters. They have plenty of oxygen and I use only Spring bottle water (Sometimes part tap with conditioner). But the PH is so high here in Texas with tap water, I don't trust it too often. My black moors are turning beautiful colors with Spring water. When I use tap water suddenly the mystery snails appear. This is one reason I don't like tap water. I am wondering if this fish ate one of the mystery baby snails and it is stuck inside him. Then when I feed him peas he poops.
I have 4 tanks of these fish, two 30 gal, 45 gallon 55 gallon. Raised all from babies and some are 3 years old and all healthy. I don't over feed them and I never over load my tanks. This fish really seems like he just likes sleeping upside down. All my tanks have 3 filters, surround wall bubbler and two sponge filters. They have plenty of oxygen and I use only Spring bottle water (Sometimes part tap with conditioner). But the PH is so high here in Texas with tap water, I don't trust it too often. My black moors are turning beautiful colors with Spring water. When I use tap water suddenly the mystery snails appear. This is one reason I don't like tap water. I am wondering if this fish ate one of the mystery baby snails and it is stuck inside him. Then when I feed him peas he poops.

I live in Texas too and I totally agree about the tap water. I just threw out some of my ideas and I don't know much about your tank so I can't really make conclusions but those were just some common errors that could cause the upside down behavior. You might want to leave the tap water out for a few days instead of dechlorinating because it will lower the pH unlike the dechlorinater.

You still need to dechlorinate if you leave water out. Many cities add Chloramines AND Chlorine. Aging the water may rid it of Chlorine, but not Chloramines which will kill the fish also.

GF do fine in higher PH.
Small tanks or wrong diet is often more of an issue.

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