Father's Day Pics

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
Here is my dad resting in his hammock while we bbq-ed and set up the table


Me and my daddy!


My cat chilling on the deck with us.


Last but not least is the baby bunny that was eating grass by my deck the whole time we were out there.

Wow! The cat didn't chase the bunny??
Nice pics, the weather looks great over there. We had disgusting rain, but now it has cleared up. Time to go for a walk.
My dad is far away, but I called him and sent cards to him and my grandfather and just realized I need to call my stepfather. Glad I read this thread!
Well, the cat knows she is not allowed off the deck. The only time she is on the deck is when we are.

We had great weather. After dinner we hung out and then we all went into Princeton for some awesome Thomas Sweets ice cream.
lmw80 - you really do resemble your avatar! I love that pic of you and your father, you gotta get that one framed. I lost my father last winter and this is the first Father's Day without him, so everyone give your dad extra hugs today. :)
Tankgirl - you should be happy to know that after I read your post, I ran over to my dad and gave him an extra hug :D

As far as my avatar....isn't that freaky? It was one of the ones I got off here when I first joined. Aaron says it all the time, how freaky it is!
It is freaky - and cool!

It really makes my day to see those pics of you and your dad, and to know that you gave him an extra hug - cherish the moments, as they say! My father-in-law is now getting extra hugs from me- I'm really cashing in on those "not losing a son but gaining a daughter" sentiments from 13 years ago!
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