Favorite strange / oddball FW fish ?

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apparently they are. Mine died within a week of having him, in the same tank that my GBRs are thriving.
Mine's doing great as well, and I've had it for a couple of years. IME they just need clean water and a laid back environment so they are not outcompeted for food. The farlowella is oen of my votes also, as well as the African butterfly fish. Ropefish are cool too.
my farlowellas are doing fine, they are very lazy though, and making sure they arent bullied away from food (by plecos mostly) is a must. i have never seen mine eat flakes, only fresh veggies. it is not uncommon for them to starve to death. they also need adequate planted areas
Out of the affordable odd ball fish I would have to say my Bichir is one character, and he is fairly large as are most of the fish in the community.

Good thing too, since Bichirs will eat anything they can fit in their mouths.

From the Jerrasic era as well so they've been around, supposedly good escape artists although he hasn't gotten out yet and if he does he can start using his other lung to breath.
Well I will add another one that I recently picked up.

Ghost/Glass Catfish:


They are kinda like the Knife Fish, but they stay reasonably sized and my kids think seeing their bones is the coolest part!
Aren't there two different types of ghost cats? One has a darker spine and grows larger, or something of that nature?
I was just wondering how big the 'bigger' one got, and if they are fast growers.
yes jbarr, 2 types, african and asian glass cats. asians get 3" while africans get 6"

both look very similar, but there are differences once you look at them closely
dapellegrini said:
I think a dragon goby is kinda like a bichir, right? Either way, yes, I would call that an odd ball fish.

Dragon Gobies are nothing like bichirs and they are brackish, the lionfish pic posted (actually a "Grunting Toadfish") is brackish as well.

A few of my favorites are:

Marbled Goby
Chaca Chaca
Fire Eel
Glass Headstanders

most of my fav's are brackish though.
Nice Raphael.. how big is it? I like it's pattern better then most that I see.
I liked the bullrout I had years ago, and have always dug the usual indopacific brackish denizens: scats, monos, bumblebee gobies, figure 8 puffers.
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